This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
Joshua Price's Articles In Life Journals » Page 3
March 6, 2005 by Joshua Price
I think some of the hardest times for individuals are break ups. They challenge your inner stability and question if you are tough enough to take the beating that comes with the severing of ties. As I was on a trip this weekend these were just a few of the ideas going through my mind during the post-breakup period. What is an absolute truth? Death? Life? Feeling? Emotion? How can we as mere humans, putrid in our own imperfections, define what a truth is? Human nature proves that...
March 4, 2005 by Joshua Price
Wow, I guess you can say that it has been forever since I have actually posted my thoughts on this almost feels foreign to me. I wish I could summerize what has been going on in my life since the last time I wrote, which was January 14 I believe. Overall, things have been going awesome with the exception of this past week or so. Work, school, and almost anything else you can think of is going great. But like always, all good things must come to an end in this world. To quantify...
January 14, 2005 by Joshua Price
Sometimes I wonder...since the age of 14 I have a had a really good relationship with my step dad and since I was born my relationship with mother has been awesome. Ever since my early teenie bopper days, I have always been able to talk to both of them with no regards to subject without any hesitation. Whether it be girl friends, school, best friends, or just general things I was going through, they have always had open ears and have never made any assumptions. But something today has made...
January 13, 2005 by Joshua Price
As I got home today I realized that it has virtually been forever since I have written in my blog. There have been several reasons for this. Its not because I'm getting tired of typing or making all of my personal life exposed to the entire world...its just that I have not had the time at all. My new class and work schedule is kinda crazy. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I get up at 5am and go to the gym till 7:30 and take a shower and get ready there. nine a.m. I have calculus which ...
December 26, 2004 by Joshua Price
So far this christmas break has been pretty good. Ever since getting out from school I have worked everyday and have stirred up some business. I've hung out with the G.F. a ton and hung out with some of my friends back from school I think one or two days if that. Actually, that is what I wanted to write about. When ever I've talked to my close net of friends that are coming home from school, we all express interest in hanging out and spending time together. Well, it seems kind of funny w...
December 19, 2004 by Joshua Price
This week was pretty good. Though my favorite part has to be our office party. It was quite funny because I associate most of these people as 'work' and probably would not hang out with them outside of work because that is the way I seperate work and play. Not any offense to them, but that is just the way I am. Most of them are all pretty nice people but not people that I would hang out with in my close circle of friends. Anyways, we ended up going out to grattzi's in destin and it was ...
December 12, 2004 by Joshua Price
This past week has been pretty good over all and this weekend was awesome. This week I ended up meeting with the H.I.M at a hospital in mariana about some document scanning and it seemed to go pretty good. Also got a call from the U.P.S. corporate headquarters and it looks like they are going to use our warehouse space to store computer parts. This weekend was actually a ton of fun! The G.F. and I actually spent almost the entire weekend together and we ended up going to a christmas party...
December 4, 2004 by Joshua Price
Today has been a fun but crazy day. After waking up at six a.m. and doing my accounting homework, I then went and got a hair cut and prepped myself for an envigorating experience. I was going to meet Jay Cutler! For those who do not keep up on body building, he by far is one of the best looking body builders out there in the pro circuit and he continually is a top contender for the Mr. Olympia title. To me, he is kind of like a role model. Even though I know that I could never be as big ...
November 25, 2004 by Joshua Price
I can't believe it is already thanksgiving! It seems like another year is already coming to an end at an unbelievable pace. Today was actually a pretty good day. Just lounged around the house and studied accounting with my brother and talked with my parrents. This year however, is a little wierd cause it was just my mother, step-dad, brother, and I. Usually we atleast have some family come in and stay with us but this year was different. In all actuality, it doesn't even feel like thank...
November 7, 2004 by Joshua Price
"If you are a christian, does that limit you to listen to christian music alone?" From my perspective, I don't believe that you are bound to some contractual agreement to only listen to christian music. Sadly I actually have a hard time listening to a lot of christian music. I really don't know why...I mean I like most of the popular christian artists but at the same time their music just gets annoying to the ear. But I must admit that there is one christian artist that catches my ear and...
November 3, 2004 by Joshua Price
Today was quite a unique day. As I step in the door and go into my office I turn and see that my flat screen LCD for my computer is not present on my desk. So....I kinda looked around and then one of the girls runs up to me and says, "please, please run these files to our girls at FWBMC." So, being th nice guy that I am, I did it. After I get back, I decided to further inquire on the abduction of my LCD. I found out that the owner swipped it real quick while he was swapping computers. I...
October 31, 2004 by Joshua Price
Gosh, it seems forever since I have written in my blog! I guess it was tuesday...I just find that is very hard to get to the computer for personal time whenever I am on the go non-stop. But since tuesday a million things have happened and overall, it has been a good week. School wise, I had a take home test this weekend which with the help of a few other brilliant minds, got done. I also have a statistics test tomorrow that I should do pretty good on. Even though I love accounting, the a...
October 26, 2004 by Joshua Price
Today was a really wierd day. In my science class, which I might say is probably the easiest class in the world, I got a 78 on a take home test!! How in the world does that ever happen?!? I looked up everysingle answer except two questions so I figured I would have gotten atleast an A but I mean this is kinda crazy! I don't mean to sound cocky but I am by far one of the brightest kids in that class and I got a C!! That means average and I am not average!!! On a side note I achieved my...
October 23, 2004 by Joshua Price
From the disection of my other blogs, I have been told by others that it is extremely easy to tell that I am a very routine person in my ways. With this in mind it always amazes me how things change within the blink of an eye. The past week has been hectic because of stress at work but at the same time I had a revalation thursday night/friday morning that cannot really be explained in words, but I shall try. Well, Tuesday and wednesday at work I was starting to worry because no custo...
October 20, 2004 by Joshua Price
This feels kinda wierd because this is the first blog that I have ever written outside of my own computer (Im at the college's computer lab in between classes). Yesterday we finally got my office mostly setup and I moved in! I have my own desk that is actually an antique, a dell computer, and a 17" flat screen monitor. The only thing left is that all the network equipment like the routers and hubs are in the corner on shelves so they said they were going to move it when ever we go to total...