This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
Published on October 31, 2004 By Joshua Price In Life Journals
Gosh, it seems forever since I have written in my blog! I guess it was tuesday...I just find that is very hard to get to the computer for personal time whenever I am on the go non-stop. But since tuesday a million things have happened and overall, it has been a good week. School wise, I had a take home test this weekend which with the help of a few other brilliant minds, got done. I also have a statistics test tomorrow that I should do pretty good on. Even though I love accounting, the area that we are currently focusing on is very boring to me and I am having a hard time caring about it.

On the topic of girls, I think I have found a definate keeper. Every time we are spending time together, small sutle things reveal themselves that further convince me that this girl is special to me. Friday night, when I went to pick her up at the house to go see a movie, I was handed a card that literally took my breath away. It wasn't for any special occasion or anything, but it was just telling me how much I ment to her and how blessed she was to have found me. She even quoted Aristotle in it!!! That was the ultimate hint! I love philosophical quotes from Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates and when I saw those quotes I almost fell over. In all honesty, I did have tears well up in my eyes because it was probably the most inspiring text that I have ever recieved. She thinks she is the lucky one, but it is really me that is lucky. To have someone that is so encouraging to me is a dream and prayer come true.

Also, saturday I went with K and two of our friends to Chris Cagle's concert in Pensacola and we had an absolutley awesome time. In fact, the name of this article is two of his songs. I really don't like chicks dig it that much but one of his oldest songs, old Laredo, has to be one of my favorites. I don't know what it is, but some songs just give me goose bumps and that is one of them. Of course, during the entire concert the GF was right beside me so it made it that much more enjoyable. The funny thing is that there were these teenagers that were probably sixteen or seventeen who were sitting in front of us. They were all over each other! Not in a gropping way, but more of an extreme flirtacious way, with affection engulfing both of them. Well, the couple that was with us, thought it was very gross and disgusting but for some reason I thought it was really cute. Our conversation goes something like this:
Them: "That is so gross. They really need to get a room."
Me: "I actually think that they are really cute."
Them: "How? They are practically gropping!"
Me: "Well, I am just happy to see that in this lonely world there are other people that feel the same way I do about someone else."
I just think that in this world there is a lot of hate, violence, and drama. When I see things like those two teenagers it just makes me feel good cause sometimes I wonder where society is going now-a-days. Sure, their relationship might not last and maybe it was all in vain, but it is still the purest gift of the heart.

Believe it or not I actually went with my brother, his fiance, and his child, trick-o-treating around the block tonight and we actually had a blast. I never really get to spend much time with them. Believe it or not I wasn't even planning on doing anything tonight except for wash clothes but it felt good to get out and participate in the american tradition. But what was really awesome was that while we were walking around my brother and his fiance both said very admirable things about my GF and wished that she could be with us tonight. She even said that in her opinion, she is the best girl friend I have had that she has met.

Another object that is now constantly on my mind is the decision that is coming at me like a frate train. I have to decide soon on what I want to do this upcomming fall. Originally, I wanted to go down to UCF to finish my B.S., but for some reason i'm meeting a resistance that is telling me not to go. I mean I guess almost every college student gets these feelings when they know that they have to make that decision to leave the nest. The problem with me is that I just got this job and met this really special someone, so I don't really want to leave this place. My other arguement is that I don't want to go to UWF because I actually want my business degree to be worth something and have some accreditation. I promised myself a couple of years ago that I would not let a career get in the way with a college decision but currently thats what I'm affraid is happening. I know that if I go down there it will be a vital process in my own personal growth and that a part of me will develop and blossom that has not had a chance to before. At the same time I am really, really, afraid that I might trash a relationship that is currently the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. This will definatley be a topic of deep consideration and a topic of many blogs.

I also want to respond back on a comment that a friend of mine (J.M.P.) wrote me in my last blog. A lot of times people don't realize that I look at the comments that are posted on my blog. After not hearing from this friend for so long and then all of sudden getting a response like this, it felt really good. I just also wanted to say to him that towards the end of the summer we didn't really click that well I guess but regardless of all things you are still my best friend and if you ever need me I am here for you. Some could look upon this summer and see negative things, but in my eyes it was a time of change and of realization, a time of growing up and of maturity, and a time of challenges in boundaries for whcih I wouldn't trade for anything. Hopefully you will read this with positive feelings and I wish you well this year at school.

Whew....that was quite a blog....Best Wishes, Joshua Price

on Nov 02, 2004
It seems like forever since I have talked to you, and I won't lie when I say it is because I am away at college and am incredibly busy. Going to a school and being out from under your parents wings is a big step; especially when you are venturing into the unknown, yet it can be very rewarding. I myself am being challenged constantly and currently am not doing very well, but even though I am not at my best currently I know that if I stayed at home and pursued my dead end job in FWB I would be keeping myself from reaching my full potential whatever that may be. I know you can do better, but you have to let yourself take a chance, even if it is a small one. I also completely understand your search for the perfect woman, but the more and more I search the more I am disapointed. Then, all of a sudden, it just happens. It sounds like it just happened for you and I am happy for you. Josh I know you are a very driven person and wish to succeed, and personally I think you will because of your ethics in both life and in your work; however, I think that if you don't put so much stress on yourself you will find yourself enjoying life more. I read that you went trick or treating with your brother and I thought, man Josh usually doesn't do stuff like that because it is too childish. You are a good man and a good friend Josh, but remember you are still in the prime of your life and need to have fun. I want to end by saying the best things in life are those that you don't plan. Keep up the good work and just remember that you have limitless opportunity out there for you; however you have to make the initial move.
God Bless,

Switchfoot-"Dare You To Move"