This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
In the average life of a college student, it seems that things are pretty relaxed except for two times during the year: the beginning of december and the end of April/beginning of May. At these points in time teachers realize all that they have missed or gotten behind on in their curriculum and so they try to cram as much material in at the last second just to make the people above them happy. In a way I kind of like this because it puts you under a lot of stress to make critical decisions in a timely manner, but at the same time if you are already maxed out under a normal schedule, you almost get sick to the stomach when ever this time of year comes around. The reason that I have not had much of a chance to write is because I have been swamped with deadlines and other events. In fact this morning I've got class, then I have to get a bunch of forms signed inbetween a business meeting that is at 1pm. On top of that I have to study for an accounting test that is tomorrow, which we just found out yesterday. But before I can do that I have another business meeting in Pensacola at 8pm. It seems like this rush peiod is never going to end. I only have two more years worth of college and then it will be over...

Best Wishes, Joshua Price

on Apr 20, 2005
i'M A 6th year student and i no how u feel i'm tryin t juggle a leavin cert ,a healthy family relationship aswell as have a social life gggggggrrrrrrrrr i cant do it............ x x x