This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
Published on March 13, 2005 By Joshua Price In Life Journals
I know I have already posted for today, but I have had a wierd experience tonight that I really feel like I should write about. I really don't know what started this feeling but I went up to the church tonight to practice for our 40 days of purpose celebration festival. With the events that have taken place over the past few weeks on my mind I got in my car and went to church. I have to give a little background first so you can understand. Before the ex-G.F. and I seperated, I guess you could say I had a mild dependancy of her and it was the kind of dependancy that is developed for a marraige, which is a little pre-mature of course. Well, I don't think I had gotten over that dependancy until tonight. As I was driving to church all the things in my mind were bogging me down. Once I was there and we started practicing I had this really wierd feeling come over me.

Have you ever had this urge in you like you half to have something or else you know you are not going to live? It's like when ever you are starving and have very low blood sugar and you long just for something to nourish your body. I felt that way tonight as we were worshiping except for it wasn't a craving for anything earthly. No it was more of a longing for something other than anything on this earth could provide. It was a total longing for God, calling me to lean on him instead of what is on this earth. The more that we played and practiced the praise and worship music that we were suppose to play tonight, the more that I did not want to stop.

So the night went on and we played at the celebration service. All during this time I didn't care about anything except worshiping God. After we stopped playing I still longed for more and more. I know this may sound very wierd to 90% of the readers out their but I have been going through a lot of struggles and I think God answered one of my prayers through this service tonight. For quite a while I was relying to much on other people for my energy and my motivation but through tonight I learned what it is really like to seek his face.

Chances are, if you see me in the street you are not going notice any difference about me externally. But internally, I feel a lot better knowing that I don't have to depend on anybody but him to give me everything that I need.

Best Wishes, Joshua Price

on Mar 17, 2005
Josh Sweetie you know if you ever need ANYTHING at all I'm here. I don't care if its 3am and you just want to talk, call me. I tell you this because I want you to always know that someone is there, it may just be lil ole' me, but I'm still here for you. I don't want you dealing with what I have to, which is never having anyone to talk to when I'm upset or I need a shoulder to cry on. I'm going through a really weird time right now, my life was great and quickly its going down hill. So I wouldn't mind listening to you and talking to you at any time. I Love ya Josh. *hugz*

on Mar 22, 2005
yeah... I'm sorry your having a hard time and all that... but umm, back off sister! I'm sure you're a nice person, and you prolly don't mean anything by the intimacy displayed here, but let's get one thing straight now and always... Josh is capable of making his own decisions and I trust him with my whole heart. Because he has chosen ME. He has chosen to stand with me through thick and thin. So reading your words doesn't make me jealous that he'll turn to you for comfort, but it does make me jealous because I want to be the one who brings sweetness to his ears, I am his shoulder to cry on, and vice versa. I know you were prolly confused, because it is obvious from previous blogs that we were going through a trial. So, let the confusion begone! Josh is my boyfriend and I think it's cool that you can appreciate him, because he's got alot of awesome qualities, but he's not your sweetie, and even though I think it's really nice of you to offer to be there for him, he doesn't need it.
on Mar 22, 2005
Damn, someone let the bitch outta the cage.
on Mar 23, 2005
Uh... didn't you break up with him like a heinous bitch? And now you're his girlfriend again? Or is it only when its convienient and your jealous?
on Mar 23, 2005
It sounds like someone not only is the victim of ignorance but also is in need of a little soap for that mouth! For one thing, your theory is mounted on assumptions based on an overflow of feelings due to the result of a situation. If you've ever been in a relationship, you know how easy it is to get so caught up in the other person that you lose sense of reality. Josh and I were in that position. We had to step back in order to get a bigger view of who we are and what we're doing. Of course it was hard!! And Josh had an outlet here on this blog for his emotions. But if you were reading closely, you would see what I know and appreciate from what happened: Josh grew as a person!! And so did I. And I'm just so happy that when we grew, it wasn't apart, but instead we learned to VALUE what the other person is about in ways that we were too close to see before. But it really doesn't have to be explained to you... who are you trying to defend anyway? It can't be Josh because we're togetherand he's happy...
on Mar 23, 2005
It sounds like someone not only is the victim of ignorance but also is in need of a little soap for that mouth! For one thing, your theory is mounted on assumptions based on an overflow of feelings due to the result of a situation. If you've ever been in a relationship, you know how easy it is to get so caught up in the other person that you lose sense of reality. Josh and I were in that position. We had to step back in order to get a bigger view of who we are and what we're doing. Of course it was hard!! And Josh had an outlet here on this blog for his emotions. But if you were reading closely, you would see what I know and appreciate from what happened: Josh grew as a person!! And so did I. And I'm just so happy that when we grew, it wasn't apart, but instead we learned to VALUE what the other person is about in ways that we were too close to see before. But it really doesn't have to be explained to you... who are you trying to defend anyway? It can't be Josh because we're togetherand he's happy...
on Mar 23, 2005
There's medicine for bipolar disorder, you know.
on Mar 23, 2005
They offer anger management in most cities I know of...
on Mar 26, 2005
I'm sorry that you feel the need to be jealous even a little by what I said. I have been friends with Josh almost a year, I have never felt anything other than friendship for him, nor will that ever happen. Yes Josh can make his own decisions, I know that as well as everyone else. But like you said yourself he has been there with you through thick and thin, so why are you jealous at all? 1-I don't see him that way, 2-I am his friend and I have every right to express the fact that I'm here if he needs me and I'm sorry you took it in a different way, but HE knows how I meant it. And 3-I am NOT the type of girl to go after a guy if he has a girlfriend and especially if I KNOW how deeply he feels for her. So I think before you attack someone next time, you should think about it. I've known about you, I know how he feels for you. You don't know me at all, therefor I wouldn't assume you know what I mean by things I say. And as far as the "Sweetie" term, I call a lot of my friends that, I wasn't calling HIM my Sweetie. And since Josh and I are friends, he knows I'm there when he needs me. And its wrong of you to say he doesn't need me or the fact I'm willing to be there, because as I see it friends are ALWAYS here, girlfriends come and go, so I'm sure Josh is glad to know that me and all of his other friends are here for him. So I am going to continue to be here for him no matter what, so I hope you are mature enough to deal with that.

on Mar 27, 2005
If you have a boyfriend and heard some girl you didn't know saying things like "I love you" and "Sweetie", then I would hope you would go into defense mode too. There is such a thing as righteous jealousy... it doesn't happen because of lack of trust, it happens because you see something that you care about being messed with. And that is my nature. It is a fault, but I do tend to be a one-on-one person, and I can be clingy. Gaah, I hate that too!!

You're right, I should never have attacked you before finding out all of the facts, and I'm really sorry for that. Maybe I was misinformed but somebody told me you had feelings for Josh at one point and I automatically assumed that was what you were trying to convey. I can see my bad... because I totally agree that we all need friends to support us. Anyways I'm really sorry for offending you when all you were trying to be was a good friend.

Hope you accept my apology...
on Mar 27, 2005
PS--- In all honesty though, sweetie--- I hope you understand this girlfriend isn't going anywhere.
on Mar 28, 2005
I can understand you getting on defense mode, because I have been there. But I said " I Love Ya" and to most it may mean the same but that is just my friendly way of saying it, I say it to every friend I have. I can promise you that I have NEVER had feelings for Josh other than in a friendly way. I'm sorry if we misunderstood each other. I have a boyfriend that I am very happy with, and I do see where you are coming from. I'm glad you aren't going anywhere because you make Josh happy and all I want is for him to be happy. A good friend only wants the best for the people they care about. And yes your apology was accepted, I hope you two are doing good.
