This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
The toga party of a life time
Published on October 9, 2004 By Joshua Price In Life Journals
Well, the idea started about a week ago when ever my hetero life mate D.B. called me up and said I am going to have the greatest social gathering in the entire history.....I am going to have a Toga party!! To some people this may seem like a lame idea but to actually get around 100 people dressed up in togas is quite a feet.

Since the power was out at the place we went, we brought lanterns and teaky torches to light the way, which I might add made a great affect. But just the fact of seeing all these beautiful girls dressed up in extravagant togas really made my night. The prettiest girl by far had this dark blue silk toga on that was to die for. I mean serriously all the guys were stunned when ever she walked in. In fact, I might that it even matched her eyes and brought the whole package together. Another girl with a real dark tan bought camo fabric and made a toga out of it and I might that it was quite pretty too. Overall though I like being in front of a lot of those girls with my shirt off!! ha was kinda like results from a test being taken because all of my hard work of working out for a year and three months finally paid off because I must say that my body looked the most positively defined out of any of the guys there. Other than that it was just an overall blast. To bring a generalization of the night, I would have to say that it was one of the funnest nights that I have had in a really long time and infact creative too!

Unfortunatley, all good things have to come to an end. Four cops showed up and busted up the party. I would say that most of the people there were very scared because almost all of us are generally really good kids that are in the top ten percent of IQ ranges and in the higher classes of society. Luckily, since D.B.'s dad is one of the prominent individuals in town, nobody really gotten in trouble and the cops pretty much left us alone once his father had gotten there. But that is also one of the reasons that we hang out with the upper realm of society, not to sound stuck up or anything. But the buddy system always works in social chains. If you scratch my back I'll scratch yours and so people that are very influential have a very strong and sometimes dangerous control of external factors outside of their career. All in all, it was a great night and I wouldn't trade it for the world even though it did get broken up. But sometimes I just think you have to live a little and pull life out to its fullest.

Best wishes, Joshua Price

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