Indeed, I find it truely amazing how things change and innovation continue to be apart of our everyday life, regardless of cost, time, or life. In just the blink of an eye the enviroment for which you have become familiar with unmercifully changes into something that is complete opposite. It even shocks me how someones feelings for you can change like vapor being blown away. One minute you find that someone has entered into your life and wants to be with you and the next moment they want nothing to do with you, yet you stand there mesmorized wondering what in the heck happened? I mean how can someone who you consider to be the perfect person for you just walk into your life and then run out. Henry Brommel, who was an actor in the sit com Northern Exposure, said this wonderful quote in one of the episodes that goes something like this,
"Sometimes when you look back on a situation, you realize it wasn't all you thought it was. A beautiful girl walked into your life. You fell in love. Or did you? Maybe it was only a childish infatuation, or maybe just a brief moment of vanity."
This quote is a reality check reminding us that it is so easy to get overwhelmed by something that confronts you and causes attatchment to it. Though it may sound wimpy, cornie, or even feminine, I admit personaly that I often times get attatched really quick to certain people that initially take my breath away. This leads to me opening up and becoming very vulnerable. Through time I have learned to at first distance myself but sometimes there is that someone who you nottice walking down the street and you think, "Wow! I bet we would perfect together!" Then, it is really awesome once they start expressing interest in you and even drive to spend time with you, but then let you down and totally seperate themselves from you. This often times also reminds me of one line of lyrics in one of Rod Stewarts songs, "...Why doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?"
On a sunnier note, despite the fluctation in social conditions I find that when ever this does happen I am presented with an awesome job where I have tons of more resources available. For a few months I have kinda been worried about making more money and this new job that I have officially taken is going to be awesome! I can't speak of it because I still have to iron out a bunch of obligations before I can disclose much information. One thing that is awesome about this job is that there is no on or off season for this field so technically I will be able to put in as many hours as I want to and work as late and I want to! This is really awesome because since I am single, I will be able to focus more on work, school, church, and gym. Yet, at the same time it makes me vulnerable to being a workaholic and disconnected. Oh well, atleast I will be making a lot of moeny!! Ha ha....
Best Wishes, Joshua Price