As I wrote earlier in the week my cousin that goes to UGA and is from virginia finally arived thursday night and I must say that in the little time that we have spent together I think that she is really awesome! Just the words to describe her lack all structure. She is a social heavey weight that has an awesome outgoing personality and impressive charisma skills. She does has some bad habbits that I want to help her break, but other than that everything about her is awesome. One thing that really stands out though is that both of our parrents are on the same socia-economical class and so we have in theory had the same up bringing, there for we tend to think a like. My thoughts are very deep and complex about the enviroment I'm in and everyday life and a lot of times when ever I try to dictate these feelings people just kinda get loss and I feel like they aren't on my level, but with her it is a whole nother story. When ever I talk to her she understands completely more than anybody I can ever remember, even some of my past girl friends.
Figuritively and symbolically speaking, if you a have a piece of real estate investment that has less than thirty percent of producing any income or giving you any return, should you continue to hold on to it? It stinks when ever you have a lot tied up in one investment and then you find out that it is not all that it has cracked up to be. It reminds me in the 1800's when ever agencies were selling land in florida that was infact underwater. But you would of seen the land before you bought it right??? Wrong, most people were sold post cards but when ever they actually got down to the land in florida they found themselves knee deep in slush. Investments are very shakey now-a-days because to say in the least, there is hardly anyone left worth putting time and money into. The current investments that I hold my hand are not holding value very well and forecasts or not doing well so I am struggling on whether or not I should hold on to them. I have one or two other offers put on the table before me with which I am contemplating. One of them is a solid investment that is definatley going to have great returns in the near and far future, if not immediatley and is well worth it. The problem is getting out of the currnet commitment that I am in.....very perplexing.....
Anyways, I've got to work all day tomorrow and do tons of homework! Time to go to sleep.
Best Wishes, Joshua Price