communication, submission, and other fun, yet sensitive topics!
This was half way adressed in an article earlier but in not as much depth or detail.....In bible study tonight we talked about a very complex question which is the position of women in marraiges. Traditionally from the beginning of written record until the 1950's women have been submissive to there husbands sometimes in a bad way and sometimes in a good way. Since the women rights movement the gender wars have fought for equal opportunity in the work place, equal wages, and tons of other stuff which is all very good. I totally agree with all fairness to women but I believe that the relationship between male and females at work has skewed the relationship between males and females at home with marraiges.
Everyday families are breaking up and being seperated because the inability of communication. I personally grew up in a southern, very religous, conservative, and traditional family that believes in family unity. This upbringing and my social envolvements with church have lead me to these conclusions which I believe are a must for a true quality relationship
1. The Husband or wife should be one parrenting unit and must communicate with each other before trying to act out one's own individual agenda. This means that if something comes up then they should discuss it together like civilized beings, and then come up with an effective solution, which leads me to my next point.
2. In Ephesians 5:21-33 paul writes to the Ephesians great instructions on the structure of the family. It basically says that women should submit to there husbands as they do to christ for the husband is the head of the house hold and that husbands should love their wives as christ love the church and further you will submit to one another out of reverence for christ.
Submission is very strong words in today's society which usually is related to surrendering to an enemy or the like but the submission talked about in this Bible passage is talking about a kind respectful submission that has to do with honor. In my 19 years of experience on this earth I have only met one other male at my age that also lives by these morals codes. I am not going to be conceded but my wife is going to be a very blessed person because I want to base my family off of these values. My job as a husband is for the care of the family at all costs. My responsebility as a father and loving husband is to provide security, financial support, and moral guidance at all costs even if it means the risk of my very life. Since these are my responsebilities I expect my wife to submit in the way that is described in the bible. This doesn't mean that she bows down and worships me but that she has a reverened respect for me since I am the chief care taker. In everything we do her input will always be sought after and highly analyzed, but when it comes down to the final decision I am going to do what is beneficial to the family as an entire unit, not just for myself.
For some people that have grown up in disfunctional households and have never been blessed with awesome parrents like I have, they believe that these types of marraiges are only in ferry tales but at one time these functional family units were apart of everyday life. Unfortunately due to the times, I would be willing to say that around 70% of families have given up on the moral boundaries set by the bible.
The final topic that I wish to write on is fantasies. Many guys have sick raunchie dreams and fantasies that are deluted with sexual content, but personally mine is not as simple as something physical. If I could have one wish or dream come true about my wife this is what I would want it to be.....a Proverbs 31 woman. I'm not going to write it all down because it would take up a lot of space but take down that bible of the top of the book shelf and brush all the dust off of it and turn it there and read it. Everything it says in that chapter is a description of everything I want in my future wife.....verse 30: Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
Best wishes, Joshua Price
P.S. So you say I'm right wing conservative? Thats fine. You don't believe I live up to these standards that I describe and you want to see my proof? Well the proof is in the pudding boys and girls. Find my article entitled "the past...and deep secrets" and you find in the responses the truth that you seek...and indeed the truth will set you free