This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
Published on September 7, 2004 By Joshua Price In Life Journals
wheather or not people deny or accept it, role models play a very important role in society because they bring out what everyone wants to be like. Of course there are bad role models like some professional athletes or priests of a satanic cult, but there are also some good role models like some world leaders and other well known people. But beyound the national spot light, we have recently lost a local role model who has inspired us to participate with youth, be more involved with our famalies, and to be just a better all around person. This man was John Madden. My personal relationship with him traces to last year when ever I signed up for a "men of standards" bible study class. When ever I entered the class the first time the person that was the closest to my age was John, who I believe was in middle forties. Through that class he had instantly became a role model to me not only because of his relationship with christ but also with his business career that he had established. On a side note, John was always recognized for his wonderful, easy going personality and relaxed smile. He was one of those people that would be walking down the side walk on a rainy day just smiling and if you didn't know him, it would always make you wonder what was so funny?!? All I know is that he is missed not only by me, but especially by our entire church congregation and if not by the whole community. The thing that makes me happy and not sad when I think about this is I can only imagine that when he walked up to the gates of heaven he was recieved with much joy and celebration. John may not have been a national leader or some superstar, but he will always be remembered by the way he touched our lives in big ways.
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