This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
Just when you thought you would not talk
Published on August 29, 2004 By Joshua Price In Life Journals
Maybe its just me or something but I thought ex-gf's and ex-bf's represented stumbling blocks for new relationships and so while I'm dating someone I try not to associate with them because all it can lead to is trouble. That is just my two cents.

But I had an experience tonight that made me start thinking and now I can't go to sleep so I'm going to write. Tonight I got a chance to speak with I guess you could say an ex of mine named Emily (for those of you that know me). She lives well over a thousand miles away so I don't think that there is anyway she could possibly intervene in my current relationship, but she is the one who taught me everything back when I was only 14 when ever she visited me. We have talked for many years and I think there has always been a connection between us that I have not felt with any other girls. Unfortunatley, for some reason this summer when she came down to visit, something didn't go right and we didn't connect the correct way and we decided that it would be better if we went our own ways.....well tonight was the first time that we have really had an in depth conversation since the event this summer and I hate to say it but it felt like to me that we picked up in the exact place where we left off. I don't know how to explain it but she was the first one I ever kissed so I set all my standards for a girl friend even to this very day on her which may be very unfair to all the girls I date but I just can't help the fact that she has to be the sweetest girl with the best personality on the earth. I know that we said that we could never be together but there is always hope and dreams; and as long as that is there then maybe our paths will cross. Only time can tell...

"The greatest feeling is when you thought all was lost...but then you realize its been there the entire time. You just weren't paying attention."

"In life people come in and out of your world. Some make big impacts and some small. But those individuals that leave the deepest imprint on your heart...will always be there whether it be physically or spiritually."

Best wishes, Joshua Price

on Aug 30, 2004
Thanks Josh. You said many wonderful things about me, and trust me, I needed to hear it. You know why. You, too, have sest many standards, some of which are very hard to meet. One being your height. hehehe I just want everyone who reads this to know that Josh is the sweetest guy I've ever known. I am jealous of whoever gets to be with him, romantically or not. I would love just to be there and be friends. Never take advantage of the precious time you are sharing with an amazing, caring, wonderful person. You are truly blessed. I miss you, Josh, and I can't wait till our paths cross again. Love always, Em
on Aug 31, 2004
it almost feels like intruding to make a comment here
on Sep 01, 2004
I must say that I agree with you. Josh is a great person and I was lucky enough to get to know him. Even though the way we became friends was bad(my ex) it was well worth it when you get to know good people. He has a big heart and he has so much potential to go far in life. And Emily you sound like a very sweet person. And two sweet people are surely going to cross paths again. Hope to talk to you soon Josh! Good luck with everything!