This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
change is sometimes the best thing for us.
Published on August 24, 2004 By Joshua Price In Life Journals
For a sysnopsis of my classes, I would say that the only easy one that I have is going to be my general Lab science that have. The rest of my classes are going to be quite a pain, with world civ being the hardest do to the picky teacher. My accounting class shouldn't be to hard but my statistics class is going to be different.

Tonight though was quite a different but successful night. If I could give one goal that I would want to achieve in a relationship it would be to share the ups and downs of life with that special someone and to experience all the emotions that flow through different steps of life and tonight I think I have accomplished that. I think that it would take me forever to explain the significance of what happened tonight but all I can say is that sometimes people hold burdens or events inside and hold them there for a long time allowing scares to build up and strong emotions to be trapt. These problems can sometimes stay with people their entire life. But only I'd say around 10% of people ever learn to open up and share with someone else. This to me is an enriching experience that is met with joy and hope because that person takes enough trust in you to help them make a change and move on and that is exactly what happened tonight and I am very greatful to share that experience with my GF.

I will end this blog with some words of wisdom that one of my best adult friends ever told me. Dr. Long who is a general practitioner surgeon told me, "Sometimes in life the hardest thing is to let go of what we can't understand and have no control over." All I can say is those that do end up moving on in life will be so much happier because of the choice they made.

Best wishes, Joshua Price

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