This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
Just another average day
Published on August 19, 2004 By Joshua Price In Life Journals
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. It was a great day where I just spent time out at our condo on the beach with loved ones and then the rest of the day was spent with best friends. It was what I call a truely relaxing day which is not common place today in society.

Today is going to be an interesting day of course with it being my birthday. I did something out of my normal routine by going to the gym and working my legs really hard which did feel nice because it takes a lot of stress off the body. But as I head to work at 8am it is just going to be another day. Nothing special. No thrills or frills...ha ha... As soon as I get home from work my parrents are cooking me dinner and my girl friend is comming over to eat. Like I said. It is just a normal day. I'll post later on to tell about the results.

Best Wishes, Joshua Price

Update, 5:30pm. Work today was hard as hell. We had our truck come in and it was filled with barrels of chain that weighed around five hundred pounds a piece! How is that for a birthday present?!? I didn't mind being at work because I have a sense of belonging there because I am needed, but I just question things sometimes. Like for some reason I wonder what is the point of a birthday essentially?? Literally it means the celebration of creation, but what if a person in core value doesn't deserve a celebration of their birth? I mean birthdays are infact a bit rediculous because when you wake up that morning you feel more or less the same you did the night before when ever you layed down. Infact, sometimes I think it is a stupid reason for kids to demand stuff from parrents and I'm not even a parrent yet! But you say I was the same way when I was little!! That is a far cry from the truth. Originally my family was not that fortunate compared to our luxurious conditions now and we were not able to afford many of the "cool" things that every body was getting for their birthday. To be specific, on our birthdays we wouldn't ask for anything because it was what ever my parrents could afford.

Thank the lord that hard times don't last and tuff people do, we have since then risen from the lower levels of society to charge up to one of the top socio-economical classes today. Yet still when it comes to christmas time or birthday time both my sibling and I always have a hard time finding something that we want for christmas when people ask because from the past years of experience we have learned that sometimes just having the loved ones around is the best gift you can have.

Best regards, Joshua Price

Update, 10:25pm. Another day come and gone. I have to say that this birthday has had both its good highlights and its bad ones. I could go on forever about it but one of the major good things is that my girl friend acted aggressive towards me in a good way when flirting with me tonight which I must say is an excellent change from the past few days. I can't explain how but I feel like a million bucks just because she felt that way. One of the major bad points is that our family cell phone bill came in and everyone talked more than what we expected and so I ended up having to split the difference on the huge over charge which was around $120. Just in time for my birthday. But over all it wasn't a bad one. I hate to say it but I must flee because I have to be up at 440am to get to the gym.

Night, Josh Price

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