This site is a synopsis of a young adults life.
After a visit to the girl friends house
Published on August 16, 2004 By Joshua Price In Life Journals
My observations tonight have deffinatley proven the fact that men and women are on two totally different mind waves. It seems that the epic battle between the sexes for the understanding of emotions will never end. After a night at the girl friends I am sensing that she is becoming bored to my company. Am I that boring of a person really??!!? I know for a fact that I stick to my routines almost all the time but I like to switch it up every once in a while. For goodness sakes its only been a little over a week!

Who could only be that it is her time of the month or something. I don't know. Cause last week on the day that we started officially dating, we got pretty heavy in the making out section, which I didn't mind but now it just seems that I don't keep her attention long while were making out. I don't know...maybe I'm boring or just a bad kisser?? I have always been told I have really good skills but maybe I've been lied to by every single girl I have dated.

Oh, and this is even worse. I think her parrents like me more than she does! How horrible is that?!?! I mean she even made a joke about how her dad likes me more than she does. Is that not a hint at something or what?!? I don't know....This once again concludes straight to my point that the epic battle that has been raging on and on for thousands of years between men and women still exisits, not only in marraige but also outside of the bondage and in common everyday relationships. That is enough for me tonight. I am going to bed.

Best Wishes, Joshua Price

on Aug 17, 2004
Brother Joshua! Keep heart - the lord is with thee - and you know I still love you lol....letcha know about sunday
on Oct 03, 2004
Dump the bag, Try to get her sister ....she deserves it... You should listen to your own advice and get moving along...The trick is to try to hookup with the one(girl)with the least amount of brain damage ,bagage ect and enjoy it while it lasts.....cause odds are it wont..good luck and have fun
on Oct 16, 2004
Gf, no comment - it's the "parent" part I relate to...
I remarked to my daughter recently how odd it is her husband seems to like "the mother-in-law" (me) better than he likes his own mother = ma-in-laws ain't sposed to be your best pals...
and she said...
"ALL my boyfriends got on better with you than they did with their own mothers..."